Dr. Avtar Singh Meena's Lab
(Laboratory of Intestinal Biology and Liver Diseases)

Investigator Profile

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Dr. Avtar Singh Meena,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biotechnology,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi-110029

Email ID: avtarjeph@aiims.edu; avtarsingh@aiims.gov.in

Phone(O): +91-11-26594052

Research Interest:

Our lab's primary research objective is to investigate the complicated, multidirectional interaction between gut barrier function, intestinal microbiota and liver diseases. We intend to uncover critical microbial alterations that contribute to the development and progression of alcoholic and non- alcoholic fatty liver disease by using murine models and human patient samples combined with in-vitro and ex-vivo approaches. Our purpose is to advance our knowledge of the gut-liver axis and to establish novel treatment strategies to improve patient outcomes.